Of the ecclesiastical buildings of Holborn that of first interest is the chapel of St Etheldreda in Ely Place, opening from Holborn Circus.
The church of St Andrew, the parish of which extends into the City, stands near Holborn Viaduct.
Gray's Inn, between High Holborn and Theobald's Road, and west of Gray's Inn Road, is of similar arrangement.
Of the former Inns of Chancery attached to these Inns of Court the most noteworthy buildings remaining are those of Staple Inn, of which the timbered and gabled Elizabethan front upon High Holborn is a unique survival of its character in a London thoroughfare; and of Barnard's Inn, occupied by the Mercer's School.
Among other institutions in Holborn, the British Museum, north of New Oxford Street, is pre-eminent.