This discovery has led many to suspect that Justin Martyr has somehow been hoaxed.
True to form modern academia and its various experts have largely ignored these finds or simply brushed them aside as hoaxed.
Apart altogether, however, from such considerations, it now seems fairly certain, from Mr Lang's further research into the problem of James de la Cloche (see LA Cloche), that the latter was identical with the "Prince" James Stuardo who died in Naples in 1669, and that he hoaxed the general of the Jesuits and forged a number of letters purporting to be from Charles II.
Many of these kinds of auctions can be found on a daily basis on eBay, but it's important to know if you are being hoaxed.
And finally, the fact that different versions of the story have it taking place in hundreds of locations around the U.S. make it very clear that this is yet another hoaxed urban legend.