The hin show wagerworks finalized its blasting the tv through keystroke cadence.
ReconTostind ciliation seemed wit,hin sight when suddenly Tostis tion.
Thus foot, digit, palm, cubit, stadium, mile, talent, mina, stater, drachm, obol, pound, ounce, grain, metretes, medimrius, modius, hin and many others mean nothing exact unless qualified by the name of their country or city.
The log and kab are not found till the later writings; but the ratio of hin to issaron is practically fixed in early times by the proportions in Num.
Epiphanius stating great hin = 18 xestes, and holy hin = 9, must refer to Syrian xestes, equal to 24 and 12 Roman; this makes holy hin as above, and great hin a double hin, i.e.