Heritage Definition
Property that is or can be inherited.
Webster's New World
Something handed down from one's ancestors or the past, as a characteristic, a culture, tradition, etc.
Webster's New World
The rights, burdens, or status resulting from being born in a certain time or place; birthright.
Webster's New World
A domesticated animal or a crop of a traditional breed, usually not widely produced for commercial purposes.
American Heritage
Having a certain background, such as growing up with a second language.
The university requires heritage Spanish students to enroll in a specially designed Spanish program not available to non-heritage students.
Other Word Forms of Heritage
heritagesOrigin of Heritage
Middle English from Old French from eritier heir from Medieval Latin hērēditārius from Latin inherited hereditary
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
From Old French eritage, heritage, (French héritage), from Latin hereditas.
From Wiktionary
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