On the 31st of August 1407 Guy Mone (he is always so spelt and not Mohun, and was probably from one of the Hampshire Meons; there was a John Mone of Havant admitted a Winchester scholar in 1397), bishop of St David's, died, and on the 12th of October 1407 Chicheley was by the pope provided to the bishopric of St David's.
Havant lies in a flat coastal district, near the head of Langstone Harbour, a wide shallow inlet of the English Channel.
Off the mainland near Havant lies Hayling, a flat island of irregular form lying between the harbours of Langstone and Chichester.
After an extensive refit the new home for House of Weddings was opened in March 2004 by the Mayor of Havant.
Defeat is unfamiliar territory for us, each etched on my memory from the Bank of England to Havant.