Hat Trick Definition

Any of various unusual feats; esp., the act by a single player in ice hockey, soccer, etc. of scoring three goals in one game.
Webster's New World
Any remarkable feat, usually one consisting of three separate but related achievements.
To pull off a hat trick by writing three bestsellers.
Webster's New World
Three wickets taken in cricket by a bowler in three consecutive balls.
American Heritage
Three consecutive wins or outstanding accomplishments by the same individual, such as a jockey in horse racing.
American Heritage
Alternative spelling of hat trick.

Other Word Forms of Hat Trick


hat trick

Origin of Hat Trick

  • c.1877, originally from cricket, meaning taking three wickets with three consecutive bowls. This extended to other sports. Allegedly because it entitled the bowler to receive a hat from his club, or perhaps it entitled him to pass the hat for a cash collection.

    From Wiktionary

  • From the hat with which the feat was traditionally rewarded in cricket

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

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