The natives are in general of a stronger and stouter make, and even handsomer, than those of western India; and the women of the higher classes are also handsome.
Its walls are little inferior in height and massiveness to those of Peking, while its gates are handsomer and better defended than any at the capital.
On the other hand, the larger and handsomer chital, or spotted deer (C. axis), stands apart by its white-spotted fawn-red coat and differently formed antlers.
It is nearly related to the Mock Oranges, which it resembles, but is handsomer; thrives in light warm soil, and increased from suckers, cuttings, or seeds.
The rose-colored flowers are also much larger, handsomer, and taller, though scarcely more than 1 inch above the flat mass of leaves, so that the whole plant is seldom more than 3 inches high.