It was shortly after this revolution, in 317, that Agathocles with a body of mercenaries from Campania and a host of exiles from the Greek cities, backed up by the Carthaginian Hamilcar, who was in friendly relations with the Syracusan oligarchy, became a tyrant or despot of the city, assuming subsequently, on the strength of his successes against Carthage, the title of king.
Her leader was Hannibal, grandson and avenger of the Hamilcar who had died at Himera.
At last Himera was stormed, and 3000 of its citizens were solemnly slaughtered on the spot where Hamilcar had died.
The Carthaginian Hamilcar won many Greek cities to the Punic alliance.
Carthage was hard pressed by Agathocles, while Syracuse was no;less hard pressed by Hamilcar.