They prided themselves on having " set King Gus in the high seat," but they were quite ready to unseat him if his rule was not to their liking, and there were many things with which they were by no means contented.
As it was Orosius' aim to show that the world had improved since the coming of Christ, he used Trc gus Pompeius' war history, written to exalt Roman triumphs, to show the reverse of victory, - disaster and ruin.
This isn't Gus Van Sant making Psycho as an exact copy, rather anarchic invention loosely tied to distant coat-tails.
Despite the gnawing pain across his skull, aching ribs, and the awful taste in his mouth, Gus got a hard-on.
He repeatedly rebuffed attempts by Alistair Campbell, the Gus Hedges of the government, to polish the document his way.