The game birds include quail (Bob White), ruffed grouse and a few pinnated grouse (once very plentiful, then nearly exterminated, but now apparently reappearing under strict protection), and such water birds as the mallard duck, wood duck, blueand green-winged teals, Wilson's snipe, and greater and lesser yellow legs (snipe).
Over one hundred species of plant have been recorded here, including green winged orchid and adder's tongue fern.
Green-winged orchid - this common orchid is evident where rabbits have grazed the sward.
Green-winged teal, Anas crecca Seven, Little Harbor Pond (23 Jan ); male, Badcox Pond (27 Jan ).
Green-winged teal, Anas crecca Seven, Little Harbor Pond (23 Jan); male, Badcox Pond (27 Jan).