Weil, Etudes sur l'antiquite grecque (1900), and C. Giarratani, Tirteo e i suoi carmi (1905).
Among his other works may be mentioned the Manuel d'iconographic chretienne grecque et latine (1845), the Iconographie des chapiteaux du palais ducal de Venise (1857), and the Manuel des objets de bronze et d'orfevrerie (1859).
Girard, E tudes sur la poesie grecque (1884); Kaibel in PaulyWissowa's Realencyclopddie, according to whom Epicharmus was a Siceliot; for the papyrus fragment, Blass in Jahrbiicher fur Philologie, cxxxix., 1889.
Then he would turn away to the portrait of his dead Lise, who with hair curled a la grecque looked tenderly and gaily at him out of the gilt frame.
The countess was to wear a claret-colored velvet dress, and the two girls white gauze over pink silk slips, with roses on their bodices and their hair dressed a la grecque.