It is gratifying my dear, that you are sufficiently astute to recognize my skill and superiority.
Still, his next words were the most gratifying of all.
That he understood now how he needed to break rules from time-to-time to preserve his domain was gratifying after years of him judging her for it.
The, Local Administration Bill, after being debated for two sessions, passed the lower house on the I3th of February 1909, having at the last moment received the support of the Liberal Seor Moret, though the Radicals as a whole opposed it as gratifying to Seor Camb, the Regionalist leader, and therefore as tending to disintegration.
On this last point the information supplied by Flamsteed was peculiarly gratifying to Newton; and it is obvious from the language of this part of his letter that he had still doubts of the universal application of the sesquialteral proportion.