Good Faith Definition

Absence of malice or any intention to deceive; good intentions; sincerity.
Webster's New World
A party’s state of mind in acting or carrying out an action or transaction, evincing honesty, fairness, full communication of any hidden issues or information, and an absence of intent to harm other individuals or parties to the transaction.
Webster's New World Law
Attributive form of good faith.

Having or done with good, honest intentions; well-intentioned.

A good faith buyer.
A good faith attempt.
Presuming that all parties to a discussion are honest and intend to act in a fair and appropriate manner.
Good faith bargaining.

Origin of Good Faith

  • Translation of Latin bona fīdēs bona feminine singular of bonus good fīdēs faith, honesty

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

  • Translated from Latin bonā fide (“in good faith”), the ablative of bona fides (“good faith”), between 1890 and 1895.

    From Wiktionary

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