The Thuringia region of Germany was known for its glassmaking as early as the twelfth century, and one method of blowing glass developed there in the sixteenth century.
In fact glassmaking in Venice goes all the way back to 982 A.D.
In the first centuries of our era the art of glassmaking was developed at Rome and other cities under Roman rule in a most remarkable manner, and it reached a point of FIG.
A writer in the early part of the 15th century states that " glassmaking is an important industry at Haleb (Aleppo)."
The system of decorating vases and vessels by means of strands of glass trailed upon the surface in knots, zigzags and trellis work, was adopted by the Moors and is characteristic of Roman craftsmanship. Glassmaking was continued at Pinar de la Vidriera and at Al Castril de la Pena into the 17th century.