No woman had given birth in many sun-cycles, because the planet's spirit was severed without the dhjan and the nishani.
Dean spent the balance of Friday wading through paperwork, a chore made more depressing than usual because yesterday's drizzle had given birth to a storybook spring day.
Every year since her marriage Anne had given birth to a child, and Henry had no reason to despair of more; while, if Henry's state of health was such as was reported, the desire for children, which Anne shared with him, may be urged as an argument for her guilt.
The attention of many students has naturally been concentrated on the ancient city, the birthplace of European art and literature, and a great development of investigation and discussion in the special domain of Athenian archaeology has given birth to a voluminous literature.
From the absence of any claim on the part of any other district of Italy to the honour of having given birth to Lucretius it is inferred that he was of purely Roman origin.