Kirby (1815) founded an order Dermaptera for the earwigs, which had formed part of de Geer's Dermaptera, accepting Olivier's term Orthoptera for the rest of the assemblage, and as modern research has shown that the earwigs undoubtedly deserve original separation from the cockroaches, grasshoppers, crickets, &c., this terminology will probably become established.
The bulk of de Geer's " Dermaptera " form the order Orthoptera of modern systematists, which includes some Io,000 described species.
He succeeded, with the invaluable assistance Geer (q.v.), in at last accomplishing the much-needed reform of the constitution.
Within three years of the introduction of the new electoral laws De Geer's ministry had forfeited much of its former popularity, and had been forced to resign.
Katherine's aunt Lillian (Ellen Geer) dies of natural causes, but not before writing a note that reveals the truth of Dylan Mayfair versus Dylan Davis.