In 1873 he was gazetted to the 45 t h regiment.
On the 4th of January 1901 Sir Alfred Milner was gazetted governor of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, being shortly afterwards created a peer as Lord Milner, and Sir Walter Hely-Hutchinson, governor of Natal, was appointed his successor as governor of the Cape Colony.
There are native agencies at Nancowry harbour and on Car Nicobar, both of which places are gazetted ports.
In1835-1836he was actively engaged in producing for publication a treatise on navigation, a remarkable achievement at so early a stage in his career; he was at this time made lieutenant, and gazetted astronomer to a South Sea exploring expedition, but resigned this position and was appointed to the survey of southern harbours.
H.C. 227, p. 10 (1872 ), xlvi (order apparently not gazetted ); and see V.C.H. Mdx.