Flies and frogs were also complained of, and Sidonius, writing in the 5th century, complains bitterly of the "feculent gruel" (cloacalis puts) which filled the canals of the city, and gave forth fetid odours when stirred by the poles of the bargemen.
Every morning, when the rays of the rising sun touched the statue, it gave forth musical sounds, like the xvIII.
They believe that the same Spirit who gave forth the Scriptures still guides men to a right understanding of them.
It does not, of course, follow that everyone who had shared in the divine afflatus of prophetic enthusiasm gave forth oracles; but the prophets as a class stood nearer than other men to the mysterious workings of Yahweh, and it was in their circle that revelation seemed to have its natural home.
On awaking (it was Christmas Day), he immediately mounted the pulpit, and gave forth his famous hymn on the Nativity.