In Coelebogyne (Euphorbiaceae) and in Funkia (Liliaceae) polyembryony results from an adventitious production of embryos from the cells of the nucellus around the top of the embryo-sac. In a species of Allium, embryos have been found developing in the same individual from the egg-cell, synergids, antipodal cells and cells of the nucellus.
Missing the perfume-laden air of the Occident, a visitor is prone to infer paucity of blossoms. But if some familiar European flowers are absent, they are replaced by others strange to Western eyesa wealth of lespedeza and Indigo-fera; a vast variety of lilies; graceful grasses like the eulalia and the ominameshi (Patriaa scabiosaefolia); the richly-hued Pyrus japonica; azaleas, diervillas and deutzias; the kikyo (Platycodon grandifiorum), the giboshi (Funkia ovala), and many another.
Plantain Lily (Funkia) are valuable Japanese plants of the Lily order, of which there are about half a dozen species and numerous varieties.
Corfu Lily (Funkia Grandiflora) - Is 12 to 18 inches high, producing in August and September numerous large, pure white, sweet-scented flowers.
Funkia Lancifolia - A small species, with tufts of lance-shaped leaves, narrowing from the middle towards both ends.