A raucaria Bidwillii, the occurrence of small foliage-leaves, which have functioned as bud-scales, at intervals on the shoots affords a measure of seasonal growth.
The ICL functioned well into the 80s, attracting a small clique of The Knowing into its shadow.
Some scholars suggest the penis sheath functioned as a threat or dominance display in battle.
This symbolic role functioned relative to notions of social organization, delineating or invoking the fundamental limits of social praxis.
Here the spent troops rested; here the army of Craterus joined them, and Nearchus came to announce his safe arrival at the entrance of the Persian Gulf.2 The machine of empire had not functioned altogether smoothly while the king had been absent, and on Alexander's re-appearance many incapables and rogues in high office had to be replaced by better men.