All along the Nile banks from morning to night may be seen brown-skinned peasants working these shadi fs, tier above tier, so as to raise the water 15 or 16 ft.
The administrative head of the system fs the director of education, who is appointed by the commission, and who arranges the course of study, approves the plans for school houses, determines in what towns secondary schools shall be established and in what towns American teachers shall teach, divides the archipelago into school divisions and appoints a division superintendent in each, and supervises the examination of teachers and the application of insular school funds.
We have observed that Nickel thin films may be partially demagnetized on time scales shorter than 300 fs.
Hirofumi Ogawa rewrote chunks of the FAT (DOS/Windows fs) code base and made the larger magneto optical disks work.
Large number of directory entries All f directory entries All file systems use a special fs object called directory.