The coin shows Fortuna, the goddess of good luck, holding a ship's rudder.
Similar honours were paid to other divinities in subsequent times - Fortuna, Saturnus, Juno Regina of the Aventine, the three Capitoline deities (Jupiter, Juno, Minerva), and in 217, after the defeat of lake Trasimenus, a lectisternium was held for three days to six pairs of gods, corresponding to the twelve great gods of Olympus - Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Minerva, Mars, Venus, Apollo, Diana, Vulcan, Vesta, Mercury, Ceres.
With limited mobility foreign guests who costa Fortuna entered.
They are joined by Comet Gain, who quitely craft sparkly retro pop gems on the ace Fortuna Pop!
The final descent down the Fortuna Glacier in the dark being illuminated by the searchlight from our waiting ship.