The preview was a foreshadowing of events in season six.
Often lead actors and actresses would drop small hints during interviews, foreshadowing plot twists and upcoming shockers.
But Spohr would feel Wagner's works to be an advance upon contemporary romantic opera rather than a foreshadowing of an unknown future.
Harry's future will be a turbulent one and though he has a few victories tucked into his robes, the foreshadowing has been cast to let everyone know that he hasn't seen anything yet.
An indication, however, foreshadowing the disappearance of extra-territorial rights, appeared in the treaty of 1907 between France and Siam, the former power therein surrendering all such rights where Asiatics are concerned so soon as the Siamese penal and procedure codes should have become law, and this was followed by a much greater innovation in 1909 when Great Britain closed her courts in Siam and surrendered her subjects under certain temporary conditions to the jurisdiction of the Siamese courts.