Whether from hostile forays or from piracy, any Greek was exposed to the risk of enslavement.
In the weeks that followed, she was careful to restrict her forays to walks down the drive, but she was getting restless.
When Godfrey died in July 1100 (after successful forays against the Mahommedans which took him as far as Damascus), it might seem as if a theocracy were after all to be established in Jerusalem, in spite of the events of 1099.
The native chiefs engaged in forays, sometimes even on their own subjects,for the purpose of procuring slaves to be exchanged for Western commodities.
The peace concluded in 1568 arfd thrice renewed (in 1 573, 1 57 6 and 1584) had not prevented the continuance of raids and forays, from either side of the frontier, that at times assumed the dimensions of regular campaigns.