Finance Definition
- financial affairs
- banking
- money management
- investment
- Used in plural: capital
- money
- fund
Origin of Finance
From Middle English finaunce, from Anglo-Norman, Middle French finance, from finer (“to pay ransom”) (whence also English fine (“to pay a penalty”)), from fin (“end”), from Latin fīnis.
From Wiktionary
Original English sense c. 1400 was “ending”. Sense of “ending/satisfying a debt” came from French influence: in sense of “ransom” mid 15th century, in sense of “taxation” late 15th century. In sense of “manage money” first recorded 1770.
From Wiktionary
Middle English finaunce settlement, money supply from Old French finance payment from finer to pay ransom from fin end from Latin fīnis
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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