With the end of the Persian Wars, the original object of ostracism was removed, but it continued in use for forty years and was revived in 417 B.C. It now became a mere party weapon and the farcical result of its use in 417 in the case of Hyperbolus led to its abolition either at once, or, as Lugebil seeks to prove, in the archonship of Euclides (403 B.C.).
Early in that year was begun The Wrong Box, a farcical romance in which Mr Lloyd Osbourne participated; Stevenson also began a romance about the Indian Mutiny, which he abandoned.
In direct military menace terms, his scaremongering is completely farcical.
Scoop was a little too farcical about matters sacred to Power blocs.
The final scene became a little farcical toward the end as all matters were dispensed with rather too quickly and the lights dimmed.