We have already seen that De Blainville, though fully persuaded of the great value of sternal features as a method of classification, had been compelled to fall back upon the old pedal characters so often employed before; but now the scholar had learnt to excel his teacher, and not only to form an at least provisional arrangement of the various members of the Class, based on sternal characters, but to describe these characters at some length, and so give a reason for the faith that was in him.
After 1885 Canada was therefore compelled to fall back upon the treaty of 1818 as the guarantee of her fishing rights.
In the end she was defeated, and there was nothing for it but to fall back upon Palmyra across the desert.
In his answering despatch Cadorna repeated the instructions to fall back upon the principal line of resistance in case of an enemy attack.
The result is that the authors too often fall back upon self-evident truisms to structure their work.