Here BB is a large fixed iron cylinder, corrugated within, and C an excentric cylinder, also corrugated, which, in turning to the right, by the friction of its corrugated surface rotates the puddled ball D which has just entered at A, so that, turning around its own axis, it travels to the right and is gradually changed from a ball into a bloom, a rough cylindrical mass of white hot iron, still dripping with cinder.
Thus for a circular orbit with the centre of force at an excentric point, the hodograph is a conic with the pole as focus.
When formed inside it, the starch-grains exhibit a concentric stratification; when formed externally in the outer layers, the stratification is excentric, and the hilum occurs on that side farthest removed from the leucoplast.
The stratification, which may be concentric or excentric, appears to be due to a difference in density of the various layers.
It is excentric as regards the pole and sends tapering extensions towards the south.