Rutilius even exaggerates the desolation of the once important city of Cosa in Etruria,.
Though the traditional account of this war exaggerates the services of Athens as compared with the other champions of Greek independence, there can be no doubt that the ultimate victory was chiefly due to the numbers and efficiency of the Athenian fleet, and to the wise policy of her great statesman Themistocles (see Salamis, Plataea).
This implies that the skier exaggerates his or her skiing abilities in order obtain a higher DIN setting.
Compulsive lying comes into play with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder when the individual exaggerates his/her experiences and/or achievements to demonstrate to others how superior he or she is.
One user suggests the company exaggerates the claims that it works because the chinstrap is a one size fits all and there is no medical fitting, testing or positive, scientific results to support the product's claims.