Sulina is the headquarters of the technical department of the European Commission of the Danube (q.v.).
From Braila to Sulina, a distance of about loo m., the river falls under - the jurisdiction of the European commission of the Danube, an institution of such importance as to merit the lengthened notice.
Extended by short periods up to 1871, the powers of the European commission were then prolonged under the treaty of London for twelve years.
It was also decided that the European commission should no longer exercise any effective control over that portion of the Kilia branch of which the two banks belonged to one of the riverain powers (Russia and Rumania), while as regards that portion of it which separated the two countries, control was to be exercised by the Russian and Rumanian delegates on the European commission.
Thursday 2 May 1974 The Irish government brought a case of torture against the British government to the European Commission on Human Rights.