I believe (that there is) remission of sins in the holy catholic church, communion of saints, resurrection of the flesh unto eternal life.
Only as he becomes a spiritual being through mystical union with Christ can he escape death and enjoy eternal life in the spiritual realm.
But I and my disciples who thou sayest have not bathed have been dipped in the waters of eternal life which come from..
In the Loci of 1535 Melanchthon sought to put the fact of the co-existence of justification and good works in the believer on a secure basis by declaring the latter necessary to eternal life, though the believer's destiny thereto is already fully guaranteed in his justification, In the Loci of 1543 he did not retain the doctrine of the necessity of good works in order to salvation, and to this he added, in the Leipzig Interim, "that this in no way countenances the error that eternal life is merited by the worthiness of our own works."
Christ's twofold obedience, (a) active and (b) passive, produces jointly a twofold result, (1) satisfaction to the broken moral law, (2) merit, securing eternal life to Christ's people.