For instance, by equating coefficients of or in the expansions of (I +x) m+n and of (I dx) m .
Differentiating and equating to zero, the cost is least when dC _ LP +La =o, dl = l2 P=ale=G; that is, when the cost of one pier is equal to the cost erected of the main girders of one span.
Equating the muzzle-energy and the work in foot-tons (2) E= w V 2 _XM.E.P.
With this purpose in view, he not only notes carefully the length of the reign of each king in both kingdoms, but also (as long as the northern kingdom existed) brings the history of the two kingdoms into relation with one another by equating the commencement of each reign in either kingdom with the year of the reign of the contemporary king in the other kingdom.
Equating The Above Two Values Of X, We Have 15 N' 3 =19 M' 16; Whence N' =M' 4'N1 13.