In the slope above the town was hewn a theatre equalling that of Athens in size.
The oke, equalling 2.8 lb avoirdupois, and the donum, about 4 of an acre, are the chief units.
At the outset of the 4th century, Argos, with a population and resources equalling those of Athens, took a prominent part in the Corinthian League against Sparta.
The production of copper in 1883 was 341,885 lb; in 1890, 1,006,636 lb; in 1895, 2,184,708 lb; in 1900, 18, 354,7 26 ib; in 1904, 4 6, 4 1 7, 2 34 ib; in 1907, 64,256,884 ib; and in 1908, 81,843,812 lb.2 Third in value (less than copper or silver) in 1908, but usually equalling silver in value, was the state's output of lead.
This spider belongs to the family Lycosidae, and has numerous allies, equalling or surpassing it in size, in various parts of the world, the genus Lycosa being almost cosmopolitan in distribution.