Sometimes the rains fail altogether, and then a drought (secca) ensues, causing famine and pestilence throughout the entire region.
From time to time incidents arise which appeal to the Jewish sympathies everywhere and joint action ensues.
If we connect together in series a single Daniell's cell, a galvanometer, and two platinum electrodes dipping into acidulated water, no visible chemical decomposition ensues.
Certain substances, notably digitalis, lead, mercury and strychnine, exhibit what is called a cumulative action - that is to say, when small quantities have been taken over a period of time, poisoning or an excessive action suddenly ensues.
The large number of vegetable substances used as purgatives owe their action to an irritating effect upon the mucous membrane and the neuro-muscular apparatus of the bowel, whereby the secretions and peristalsis are more or less increased, as the result of which diarrhoea ensues.