A comparison Linguistic ever, occupied the greater part of lands both north and south of Panama; the others were encysted in the territory of the prevailing families, or concealed in cols-de-sac of the mountains.
In this condition they remain encysted as immature flukes until eaten by their final host.
Here it becomes encysted, and is nourished by the exudations of the fish.
The adult worm, which is of extremely minute size, the male being only Fi l sth and the female s of an inch in length inhabits the alimentary canal of man and many other carnivorous mammalia; the young bore their way into the tissues and become encysted in the muscles - within the muscle-bundles according to Leuckart, but in the connective tissue between them according to Chatin and others.
Here it becomes encysted, and losing its boring apparatus and claw-bearing processes remains for a time quiescent.