This is effected by slinging the load to an eye or Lifting hook, and elevating the hook vertically.
While elevating the temperature they bring more moisture into the air and produce a change not entirely desirable.
Scoresby describes them as "extremely playful, frequently elevating their horns and crossing them with each other as in fencing."
There must be two sets of elevating gears, one which brings the axis of the gun and the sights together on to the target, thus finding the angle of sight and also pointing the axis of the gun at the target, and a second by which, independent of the sight which remains fixed, the elevation due to the range can be given to the gun and read by means of a pointer and dial marked in yards for range.
An automatic sight is a sight connected in such a manner with the elevating gear of the gun, that when the sight is directed on the water-line of a target at any range the gun will ---- have the proper quadrant g B elevation for that range.