Elemental Definition
Of any or all of the four elements.
Webster's New World
Basic and powerful; not subtle or refined; primal.
Hunger and sex are elemental drives.
Webster's New World
Of or relating to fundamentals; elementary.
American Heritage
Being an essential or basic part or parts.
Webster's New World
Of or like natural forces; characteristic of the physical universe.
Webster's New World
In certain occult systems, an inhabitant of one of the four elements, especially any of the beings described by Paracelsus as intermediate in corporeality between humans and spirits.
American Heritage
A basic principle; rudiment.
Webster's New World
(fantasy) A creature (usually a spirit) that is attuned with, or composed of, one of the classical elements: air, earth, fire and water. They sometimes have unique proper names and sometimes are referred to as Air, Earth, Fire, or Water.
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