The mob, egged on by the republicans, attacked the palace where the king was lodged, and he escaped with difficulty, returning to Piedmont with the remnants of his army.
The ultimate cause of this movement was an insult offered by Murchad, Brian's son, to the king of Leinster, who was egged on by his sister Gormflaith.
After three years the Guises reopened hostilities against Coligny, whom they accused of having plotted the murder of their chief; while the Catholics, egged on by the Spaniards, rose against the Protestants, who had been made uneasy by an interview between Catherine and her daughter Elizabeth, wife of Philip II.
Because so many adults can be impressionable, it's easy to see why teenagers can be so negatively influenced into doing things they might not have the courage to do without being egged on by their peers.
She now egged on the cities of the Propontis (Byzantium,Perinthus, Selymbria),who felt themselves threatened by Philip's Thracian conquests, to declare against him.