For the position shown the distribution of bending moment due to W 1 is given by ordinates of the triangle 000 A'CB'; that due to W2 by ordin al, W, WW1 W„ ates of A'DB'; and that due to W3 by ordinates of A EB'.
X is the mirror rotating about the point E, and placed so that (if EB is the horizontal direction in which the rays are to be reflected) (I) the normal CE to the mirror is jointed to BC at C and is equal in length to BE, (2) the rod DBC passes through a slot in a rod ED fixed to, and in the plane of, the mirror.
Then the intersection of EB and DB' determines a point P on the (true) curve.
Article 12 amendments to the bylaws 1. The EB or the IC only may move a motion to amend the Bylaws.
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