The best known of the Anglican books is Jeremy Taylor's Ductor Dubitantium (1660).
Casuistry (with parallels in early Protestantism like Jeremy Taylor's Ductor Dubitantium), growing out of the Confessional, is characteristic of this Roman Catholic Ethic; yet the study is not restricted to the technical equipment of confessors.
Sanderson, as well as the more eminent Jeremy Taylor, whose Ductor dubitantium appeared in 1660.
It included, besides Hearne's Ductor historicus and the successive volumes of the Universal History, which was then in course of publication, Littlebury's Herodotus, Spelman's Xenophon, Gordon's Tacitus, an anonymous translation of Procopius; "many crude lumps of Speed, Rapin, Mezeray, Davila, Machiavel, Father Paul, Bower, &c., were hastily gulped.
Here the con ductor should be led along the highest end or side of the meadow in an inclined plane; should it terminate in the meadow, its end should be made to taper when there are no feeders, or to terminate in a feeder.