The La Bastide Saint Dominique Grenache Secrets de Pignan is an especially unique version because it is made only from Grenache with no other varietals blended in.
Called the Dominique, it's a 6-strap belt that holds up your stockings and is still elegant, with lace panels and ribbons covering the metal garter grips.
Among other French works of importance deserving notice are Le Neptune oriental of Mannevillette (1745) and more especially the Carte geometrique de la France, which is based upon surveys carried on (1744-1783) by Cesar Francois Cassini de Thury and his son Dominique de Cassini.
His younger brother, Jean Charles Dominique De Lacretelle, called Lacretelle le jeune (1766-1855), historian and journalist, was also born at Metz on the 3rd of September 1766.
The best edition of Lacordaire's works is the CEuvres completes (6 vols., Paris, 1872-1873), published by C. Poussielgue, which contains, besides the Conferences, the exquisitely written, but uncritical, Vie de Saint Dominique and the beautiful Lettres a un jeune homme sur la vie chretienne.