The city has a good public school system, including, besides the usual departments, departments of manual training and domestic science.
Superior is the seat of a state normal school (1896), which occupies a splendidly equipped building, and, in addition to the ordinary normal courses, has departments of kindergarten training, manual training and domestic science.
It is attractively situated, has a fine public school system, including a high school, a manual training school, a domestic science department, and kindergarten and day schools for the deaf.
Among them are the Mabel Tainter Memorial Library, the Dunn County School of Agriculture, the Dunn County Normal Training School, the Stout Institute for the training of teachers of domestic science &c., institutions in which public school children receive physical training.
There are special kindergarten training departments in the Milwaukee and Superior schools, departments for manual training at Oshkosh and Platteville, and a training department in domestic science at the Stevens Point school.