Within the larger circle were two smaller ones, placed not in the axis of the great one but on its north-eastern side, each of which consisted of a double concentric ring of stones; the centre being in one case a menhir or pillar, in the other a dolmen or tablestone resting on two uprights.
Close to Baarn in the south-west were formerly situated the ancient castles of Drakenburg and Drakenstein, and at Vuursche there is a remarkable dolmen.
Skellig Michael Dingle Peninsula On the way we will visit the largest dolmen in Europe - the 100-ton Browne's Hill Dolmen.
Beside other touristic points of interest including a dolmen, it is also very near the Mondego river.
Even more incredible is the tripod dolmen at Legananny where the flat granite capstone is raised high on three tall pointed stones.