Their figure is not graceful, and, owing to their habit of dilating the lips by betelchewing, the adults of both sexes are often repulsive in appearance.
Researchers chemically modified adrenaline to find molecules that would have the same effect in dilating the bronchioles but without the stimulation of the heart.
Nitrite of amyl has the power of dilating the arteries; it has consequently been employed with much success in lowering the blood pressure and removing the pain in angina pectoris.
The reason probably is that the application of cold causes contraction of the arteries leading to the inflamed part, while heat by dilating the vessels around forms a side channel through which the blood passes, the tension in the seat of inflammation being thus lessened in both cases.
It would by contracting or dilating become more brisk, or faint, and by the loss of many Rays, in some cases very obscure and dark; but I could never see it changed in specie.