This fact is overshadowed in England, partly by the habitual use of the word "gentleman" (q.v.) in various secondary uses, partly by the prevalent confusion between ai dg retry.
From the series for G and H just obtained it is easy to verify that dH = - 7rvG, dv av - dG _ 7rvH -1.
The double glazing industry is unanimous in the opinion that one should never use linseed oil putty with dg units.
If the system is supposed to obey the conservation of energy and to move solely under its own internal forces, the changes in the co-ordinates and momenta can be found from the Hamiltonian equations aE aE qr = 49 - 1 57., gr where q r denotes dg r ldt, &c., and E is the total energy expressed as a function of pi, qi,.