Fortunately Morino saw the ad for Apple Hors Devours in the local paper and recognized Alfonso's cell phone number before they made their first sale.
In my short story ' Paraquat ' the seriously obese Mr Lely devours eleven loaves at a sitting.
The inquiline habit (" cuckoo-parasitism "), when one species makes use of the labour of another by invading the nest and laying her eggs there, is of frequent occurrence among Hymenoptera; and in some cases the larva of the intruder is not content with taking the store of food provided, but attacks and devours the larva of the host.
Consider hosting a cocktail wedding finger food reception, where servers mingle throughout the guests, offering hearty portions of delicious hors devours and desserts.
Sometimes a child doesn't think he likes tomatoes, or turnips, until he tastes a new recipe…and then he devours it.