At the present time obsidian is sometimes cut and polished as an ornamental stone, but its softness (H = 5 to 5.5) detracts from its value.
There is, however, a certain coolness about the hero's affection for his wife which somewhat detracts from the merit of his sacrifice; while the Christian part of the matter is scarcely so well treated as in the Saint Genest of Rotrou or the Virgin Martyr of Massinger.
Blue-based colors tend to appear darker on film, and while shimmers and glosses are fun and pretty, but sometimes that shine and sparkle detracts in pictures and makes you look like you have greasy skin.
For example, many modern brides no longer promise to "obey" their husbands, since many feel this detracts from partnership in marriage.
The buckle accents are not completely delicate, nor are they large and chunky, making them an addition that adds to the bag, but doesn't garner so much attention that is detracts from the beauty of the carryall.