The Emperor has deigned to summon us and the merchants.
Both of them were senior to me on the school list, and had never deigned to speak to me before.
Sad to say, the SWP has not even deigned to reply.
After the Imperial Diet of Spires in 1526 had decreed that all states of the empire should observe the Edict of Worms (1521), banning Luther and his adherents, in such a manner that they should not be afraid to answer it before God and the emperor, the reform movement had received such an access of strength that the Catholic party felt itself menaced in earnest, and in 1529 again passed a resolution at Spires, deigned not merely to preclude any further expansion of the Reformation, but even to prevent it from maintaining the ground already won.
Eons is deigned for folks over 50 who have maintained their zest for life.