From certain indications in the latter and the evidence of some odd leaves discovered by David Laing, it has been concluded that there was an earlier Edinburgh edition, which has been ascribed to Thomas Davidson, printer, and dated c. 1540.
Davidson, The Theology of the Old Testament, as well as the sections devoted to " Sacralaltertumer " in the Hebraische Archaologie both of Benzinger and also of Nowack.
The orders Atremata and Neotremata are frequently grouped together, as the sub-class Inarticulata or Ecardines - the Tretenterata of Davidson - and the orders Protremata and Telotremata, as the Articulata or Testicardines - i the Clistenterata of Davidson.
A full bibliography of Brachiopoda (recent and fossil) is to be found in Davidson's Monograph of British Fossil Brachiopods, Pal.
To meet the last objection, Davidson supposes i.