They have no doubt that it is a damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably inclined.
His Irenicum vere christianum is directed against David Pareus (1548-1622), professor primarius at Heidelberg, who in Irenicum sive de unione et synodo Evangelicorum (1614) had pleaded for a reconciliation of Lutheranism and Calvinism; his Calvinista aulopoliticus (1610) was written against the "damnable Calvinism" which was becoming prevalent in Holstein and Brandenburg.
Elizabeth herself patronized Giacomo Acontio, who thought dogma a "stratagema Satanae," and her last favourite, Essex was accused of being the ringleader of "a damnable crew of atheists."
All he says about their doctrine is it is damnable, or damning or destructive heresy.
The pope, in an allocution of 22nd June 1868, declared that these " damnable and abominable laws " which were " contrary to the concordat, to the laws of the Church and to the principles of Christianity," were " absolutely and for ever null and void."